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Aanbevolen berichten


Ik kan het me niet voorstellen maar stond wel even raar te kijken toen online casino SuperLenny begon te praten of het geld dat je in kunt zetten als zijnde een soort eigen currency genaamd Bux.

Ik ga er vanuit dat dit niets met elkaar te maken heeft, aangezien Bux zeker niet gezien wil worden als gokken. 

Iemand bekend hiermee, ik zou zeggen dat de naam Bux ook als merk is gedeponeerd?

From good to great, Lenny 2.0 is soon here

Hi friend! 

We're super excited to tell you that SuperLenny.com is being revamped! Vastly improved user interface, more games, a brand new quality mobile product plus innovative new features, including Lenny’s unique currency BUX plus Assignments and massive Welcome Bonus Packages await all new players!

New Mobile Product: To meet the growing demand of mobile gaming activity Lenny’s brand new mobile version is now supercharged with a clean and crisp game selection and real time on site player messaging service. 

BUX: Lenny wants to give the power back to the people so he created BUX, a brand new currency. BUX can be traded instantly for Free Spins and as usual, all Lenny’s Free Spins are totally wagering free... Gotta love that guy!

Assignments: As well as the regular tasty serving of Bonuses, Free Spins, prizes and exclusive Haus of Lenny products, players can now take part in Assignments – giving them an opportunity to earn some extra BUX as they play. 

New Casino Welcome Bonuses: 

// Sweden: 150% up to 1500kr + 50 Free Spins on 1st deposit,  50% up to 2500kr + 50 Free Spins on 2nd deposit. Once you've bet 3000kr on slots you'll get another 50 Free Spins. Plus 10 Free Spins will be credited daily for the first 5 days after making your 1st deposit!

// Norway: 150% up to 3000kr + 100 Free Spins on 1st deposit, 50% up to 2000kr + 50 Free Spins on 2nd deposit. Once you've bet 3000kr on slots you'll get another 50 Free Spins. Plus 20 Free Spins will be credited daily for the first 5 days after making your 1st deposit!

// UK: 100% up to £50 + 50 Free Spins on 1st deposit, 50% up to £100 + 50 Free Spins on 2nd deposit. Once you've bet £250 on slots you'll get another 50 Free Spins. 

//Rest of World: 100% up to €100 + 50 Free Spins on 1st deposit, 50% up to €200 + 50 Free Spins on 2nd deposit. Once you've bet €350 on slots you'll get another 50 Free Spins.

All Free Spins will be credited as BUX and can be traded for free spins at a rate of 10 BUX = 10 Free Spins worth 10cents each. Minimum deposit for all bonuses and free spins is €20/200kr/£20. 

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