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1 resultaat gevonden

  1. Kreeg vandaag een aparte email van guts casino Dear *****This is the last cassette I’m sending you, I hope you hear it. I’m on the freeway now, doing 90…Well, actually I’m not. But that song was pretty awesome back in the days. Anyways, how are you? Look, I know that you think I’m just some machine spamming you with sweet welcome offers and free spins with no wagering requirements to lure you in, but I’m not.I’m a human being, like you and guess what? I know that you probably signed up with Guts for the kick-ass free spin deal and why wouldn’t you? I’d take that deal any day. And maybe it’s futile for me to mention again that you get 100% up to £/$/€100 on your first deposit using bonus code , but I’m absolutely sure that you will not regret giving Guts.com a try.I play slots from time to time too and I know that there’s a lot of casinos out there, but I also know that eventually you’ll find a casino you trust and really like. And you stay with that casino, because you feel the mutual respect and understanding. Some would go so far as to call it love.Right now it feels like we went on one date and you never called back. Anyways, I hope we can still be friends. If it’s something about me, you need to let me know. So send me a raven sometime. Winter is coming, you know.That is all, peace and prosperity. AndreasI write stuff at [email protected] In case you forgot, your username is:******** To retrieve your password, please click here
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